
jessica aoun.

3 years ago

They treat people like trash. My husband had serve...

They treat people like trash. My husband had serveral seizures and the fire department came to my house and gave him a total of 5 different medications in an attempt to stop him from seizing. Those included benzodiazepines and narcan when I told them he didn't do drugs. I was already upset with the fire department for their judgmental assumptions. He gets to the hospital and it was even worse! They put him into a medically enduced coma because he was confused, and had been pumped full of meds he has never had. They kept him that way for 4 days and kept saying " if he behaves and doesn't fight we will wake him" well their idea if "fighting" was moving and trying to get the intubation tube out. They finally woke him up and assumed he had a drug overdose even thought there were no drugs or alcohol in his system except "benzos" (that the fire department administered to him) which was confirmed by urinalysis and blood tests. But oh no, they ignored what the fire department wrote in their report. I turned out he had the seizures because of drinking too much water which effected his nephrotic syndrome. To make matters worse they found all sorts of things wrong with his heart including a congenital valve defect, an aneurysm, atrial fibrillation, and a problem with his aortic root all of which is hereditary. They doctor came in and actually asked him "do you smoked crack cocaine" and when he replied " no" the doctor then said " well do you smoke meth then?" To which he gave the same answer. I cannot believe that they treat people like this. Maybe if they spent more time treating patients and actually finding out what is wrong instead of throwing around wild accusations and behaving as though everyone is some drug riddled scumbag then they would have better reviews.


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