D Dinh

4 years ago


WARNING: DO NOT HIRE THEM TO DO ANY WORK. I wish I could give this review an ZERO star. If you're a business owner or looking for someone to work on your site, please stay AWAY from them as far as possible. The reason you think I sound bitter on this comment is because they are very very unprofessional and a thief. So I don't want any of you to become their victim like I was. Because I know you guys work hard for your money.

Here are my story: About a year ago, I was looking for a web developer to help me create a website for my car wash business. So after looking through some of the freelancers site, I decided to hired someone from Fiverr. So after weeks of research, I decided to hired a guy named NIMA MOKTAN to work on my website. Due to my low budget and Fiverr's fees, Nima and I decided to work with each other outside of Fiverr (lesson: Never trust someone over the internet). Long story short, after +7 of frustrated months of working with him , he did not come close to finish the site and I already paid him almost $200 for the work. Throughout this painful process, he kept delaying the work and making excuses on to why it took him so long, and that his computer was broke and that he needed to ship it to India to get it fix since it was cheaper. Anyhow, one day he sent me a chat messages stating that he do not want to continue with my project. And since he did not complete the work, I think it's fair for him to return back my money. At first, he did agreed to give back a faction of the money, but then he never refund back anything, and now he just simply ignoring my messages.

So I have to hired someone locally to finish the work and they said that whoever work on my site previously did a terrible job. Don't get me wrong, I did not expecting to get anything back from this guy, but I do want to raise the awareness so you don't have to become his next victim. I'm not mad because I didn't get my money back, I'm mad because he wasted +7 months of my life that I couldn't get back. I also did some stalking, and found that he credited himself on his website for completing the work that I had to hired someone else to finish. Anyway, if you read this review, you have an option to believe it or not. It's your choice, but I did my job and god bless everyone.


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