4 years ago

I don t know does the hiring process over there .....

I don t know does the hiring process over there .. I can tell you that they have some of the most laziest ass people working .. playing important and not doing there job.. one for sure is MR HAMILTON HE IS THE MOST BUSIEST PERSON THERE.. HIS LAZY JACKASS HAS GIVEN MY MOTHER THE COMPLETE RUN AROUND .. I TOLD MY MOTHER TO REPORT THEM TOVTJE MAYOR OFFICE .. it does not take over a month to pay a claim if your doing your job.. he has messed up her case and then dismissed himself from it then his supervisor ought to to fired for allowing his lazy ass to continue not producing any work .. he has falsified information that caused my mother claim to not be paid and then overload her with calls blowing smoke her way about how they are going to fix it .. my mother worked for 42 years and this piss poor quality of customer service is ridiculous.. I wished they lazy asses worked for the state of Maryland .. where I work if I were there director I would FIRE THEY LAZY UNPRODUCTIVE ASSES!!!


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