Oh Wow

3 years ago

I am a former employee, I grew up going to this th...

I am a former employee, I grew up going to this theme park believing it was a place of wonder and happiness. But after moving on and getting a different job, I realized just how horrible they treated their staff and how bad their business practices are.
I worked there from the age of 16-17, along with most of their other employees that I believe were taken advantage of due to their little to no work history. The HR is ran by Mary Tofte and Sue Vaslev, and lots of college kids that are more cliquey and I would say bullying rather than helpful. The waiter-styled dress code is very strict and not practical for cold weather nor summer weather, and when the HR team would make their rounds to check uniforms they would frequently refer it to fun shunning .
I remember while I worked there during a particularly hot summer it was a rule that employees could not remove their vests unless the weather was over 100 degrees, and even then you must be given permission.
Another instance was that FIVE employees were all fired within one day, the way they punish you is through something called point system where they tack on points and once you get to 7 you are on probation. They will give you points for nearly everything, your uniform, glittery fingernail polish, saying unprofessional phrases like okeedokee or even watching Sue s 7 year old grand daughter when no one else is. Such as Sue herself.
They fired my friend on the second to last day of the season, on the last hour of her shift, because she would walk around the park on her breaks. They had known nearly a week and a half in advance they were going to fire her yet they worked her as long as they could get their use out of her. There are more instances I could list but this review is already lengthy enough.
I still believe this place is excellent if you are a guest, but I highly do NOT recommend working here. And I would be very interested in what an official Human Resources worker would say if they were to see what it is like to be employed here..


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