Su Su

4 years ago

Today I spoke with the most unprofessional recruit...

Today I spoke with the most unprofessional recruiter in my history of employment, Anthony Potenti. Rather than give me the basics regarding the job, he sarcastically asked why I'm still in my field as it is over saturated. Then he challenged my knowledge in my field regarding federal requirements and passively told me that SAR reporting is not a secret and can be shared. According to FInCEN, a branch of the U.S. Treasury, it should NEVER be disclosed. My job is to protect this country from money laundering activity, terrorist financing and human trafficking on the finance side and intercept those transactions. How dare he insult me and suggest that my job is too saturated or suggest that it's unimportant...or even that I should find something better to do. HE DOES NOT HAVE THE RIGHT OR AUTHORITY to push that opinion on jobseekers. Nor does he have the maturity or the expertise to look at a resume and determine who's qualified or why. Anthony Potenti is a LIABILITY. I wonder what the Dallas News Journal and other media outlets would feel about his particular statements downplaying U.S. security and the prevention of terrorism as well as this (brand) image of Babich as a whole? I will be forwarding this on to the Office of the Comptroller of Currency as well as the head of HR for the 14 major banks/servicers.


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