Elizabeth Parker

3 years ago


READ ALL THE ONE STAR REVIEWS WOULD GIVE NEGATIVE IF POSSIBLE. Their billing practices are very fishy at best. I was billed for training services that I declined to participate in due to Covid (if I could do the training virtually I would have done this years ago) and bonus I was not under contract for. I asked to review my past contracts with them (I was a loyal client for years surely we can work this out, and yes I was willing to pay appropriately). Big ole nope. They have refused to even provide me any contracts to review (this should help them right?). I have requested many times to have them scanned to me and have gone into see if they actually exist - more nope. And absolute refusal to refund me....pretty sure you can't bill someone that is not under contract and hasn't received said services....this has been going on for 4 weeks and is looking more like we need to pursue other resolution avenues. It cracks me up to see the "we're family" on their social media but the second you need something from them? Oh they are at the bank or out to lunch or on the other line you try to call them lol.
I will say the trainers are great at what they do, but don't get attached as it becomes a revolving door with most of them.


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