John Brown
Review of Kia Canada Inc.

4 years ago

In June of 2016 I leased a new KIA Sportage from K...

In June of 2016 I leased a new KIA Sportage from KIA Peterborough. Everything was working just fine until around the end of July I went to Sarnia and on my way back my air conditioning quit just as I got on the 407 Hwy. Next morning I was going to go to KIA but when I started the car the air was working and it kept on working thinking that it was probably a computer glitch I didn't bother to go to the dealer. A month or so later around Sept 19 we went to Niagara Falls and on my way back the air quit again on the QEW. Next day I called KIA and the service Manager told me to come in on Thursday. They took my vehicle in and within 20 minutes he came to me and said that a stone had hit the compressor and all the fluid had leaked out,he then proceeded to tell me that I would have to pay for it or put it through my insurance. I then started asking questions. Why did it keep working after the first time it happened? No answer other than a stone hit it.How did you find out? We gave it a pressure test. I asked how could you give it a pressure test if there is no fluid in it? We know what we are doing nothing further, He then took me to the garage I got on my knees and looked up on a 45 degree angle to try seeing what he was pointing to. I even put on my reading glasses to see more clearly but saw nothing. (he was convinced,me not so) My Insurance agreed to pay their portion but I refused to pay the deductible ,he worked it out somehow how I didn't care at that time. I told him I was going south for the winter and was sure he hadn't fixed my problem. Two months later I left for Florida for the winter,on our way through Alabama it got really warm so my wife turned on the air after an hour the fan shut down and wasn't blowing. Next morning I tried running it again and it was working. (guess they expected me to turn around and come back to Canada) It worked fine driving around the city on 30 and 40 minute trips but in February we went to Mississippi a 3 hour drive and after an hour and a half it quit blowing again. Right about now I could strangle that service man in Canada. Upon my arrival back to Florida it was back working but I called the KIA dealer there anyway,they asked me to be there by 8 AM next day before they got busy it was a 45 minute drive. When I arrived at the service desk there were to men one at each end of the counter. I started telling the guy on the right my story of how this was fixed by KiA in Canada<Ha,Ha. and now the same thing is happening in the US , the man on the left spoke up instantly and said your problem is easy to fix, every time you go on a long drive of over a hour or more if it is very hot your compressor freezes up and after sitting for three or four hours thaws out and starts working again.We have that problem quite often here in the US, to fix this we have to do a computer adjustment but before we can work on your car we have to get the OK from KIIA Canada. Not knowing how long it would all take I had to rent a car for the day. Next morning I picked my my FIXED vehicle. I know it was fixed because it ran for 6 hours when leaving Florida to come home. Two days ago I went to the manager of Peterborough KIA . I told him that what his Service manager caused me to do was not necessary because I have proof with me as to what the problem was. He said he would not compensate me anything for my inconveniences because he has full confidence in his staff and besides it has been six months since they worked on my vehicle and anything could have happened. He had an answer for everything not realizing that the customer is always right no matter how wrong, If you have a KIA and need repairs or warranty work I suggest you go elsewhere. Don't be taken advantage of like this old senior citizen. I owned cars before they were born.


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