Rebecca Linthicum

3 years ago

My grandmother was sent here by here PCP Monday ni...

My grandmother was sent here by here PCP Monday night because a CT scan showed a brain bleed and stroke. My mom gets there with her and they do another CT scan in the ER and they tell her yes there is one but it's small. They of course admit her and say they want to do an MRI to see exactly where and how bad it is. My mother saw a Dr at 7 AM yesterday morning and was told there would be an order put in for the MRI. Well come 6 PM yesterday evening there was still no order put in. I was livid. I went downstairs and spoke to the woman at the front desk to make a complaint. She made a phone call and then informed me I needed to speak to the charge nurse. I head back upstairs and speak to her. She checks while standing there to see if the Dr had left any notes and informs me that the order for the MRI was just put in. It took me finally complaining and going over their heads to get it done in less than 10 minutes. Well in between this time they had done a urine analysis and we were told by the charge nurse during the conversation about the MRI those results came back negative for infection. Well come early this morning and a nurse comes in to give my grandmother a shot of antibiotics. My mom stops them and asks for what and was told for her urinary tract infection. But we were told there was no infection. She gets the shot anyway. She FINALLY gets her MRI about 10 this morning and those results apparently came back clean. So how can we have two Drs telling us there is one and now magically there is nothing and now she magically has a UTI. The charge nurse comes in the room and shows me her chart after I speak to her about what I need to do to transfer her to another hospital and shows me where it came back negative for infection and her culture was inconclusive so they gave her the antibiotics to be safe. My mom had finally had enough of the back and forth and lies and miscommu this evening and spoke to her Dr who is affiliated with this hospital and saw her charts and said her kidney function was very low as well as her B12. I go to the nurses station and inform them of this and the charge nurse looks at me and rolls her eyes and says "Ok?" and then tells me it's been this way for 6 months so there's nothing they can do other than message the Dr so he sees it in the morning which is a complete lie because she has not had any urine samples or kidney tests done during that time to even assume that. We start pushing for IV fluids to get her hydrated because she hasn't used the restroom in over 24 hours and can't eat or drink because she's been so doped up and out of her mind. Earlier in the day they even took her pole out of the room because apparently she didn't need it. But no what do they do instead? Oh we're going to check her cholesterol. What for??? I filed a complaint with Patient Advocates today and will be adding the charge nurse on duty tonight to that list. What my family has experienced here is absolutely unacceptable. I have had to watch her go from bad to worse and sit by while nothing is being done about it at all. She's literally there taking up a bed. Your facility needs more competent Physicans as well as more compassionate nurses who don't roll their eyes at you. I will go as far as I have to with this because I am completely baffled by what has happened.


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