Claudette Moses

3 years ago

Oct 26, 2012 - 116 Street - 7:00 am (actually phon...

Oct 26, 2012 - 116 Street - 7:00 am (actually phone call was started before 6:50 however it took them until 7 to answer and process the call. I arrived to destination at 8:22 am (a six minute drive). After 5-6 calls to Co-op, 1st Call we are very busy due to weather conditions, what is Co-op going to do when the snow actually does hit the gound - This should raise a RED FLAG to any potential customers, if they are making you wait 1 hour 15 minutes with this dusting can you imagine the disaster Co-op will be in December. 2nd Call - we have placed a rush 3rd Call - a car has been assigned to you. In between someone from Co-op calls me to ask if I am still waiting for my cab when I tell her that it has now been 40 minutes response "I know just wanted to know if you are still waiting" Really, wow what ever happened to customer actual service. Again no gold star for Co-op - sucks! 4th Call - it will be there right away I see there is one in your area. Call #2 Co-op CSR - "sorry we have no way to know if there is a cab in your area, - I wonder how safe the cabbies feel knowing that their office has no way to track them - Co-op technology has come a long way maybe you should check into this, just sayin'. 5th Call - CSR - Claudette, Claudette Claudette are you still waiting, I know they have the right address, yes that was the dispatcher that calls to make sure you are still waiting - I did ask do they do anything after that or their jobs is to make sure they have customers waiting, just not receiving an actually cab. One of the lovely (sic) Customer Sarcasm Representatives did hang up on me when I said it has now been 1 hr 10 mins - maybe it was time for her meds!!! 1 hour 12mins again phone and while I am on hold, much to my delight an actual co-op taxi showed up. Yes I had to repeat my destination address twice and yes I had to provide directions all the way to my destination, however I was on a rant to this driver on why I should not see any taxi drivers parading around City Hall protesting licensing more cabs, they already are having a hard time providing for their families, well if you actually get off your duffs and provide a "SERVICE" to paying customers and not alot of excuses or cabbie buzz words "assigned, a rush has been placed, I will talk to the dispatch" you might actually make a decent living.


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