Review of Toronto Hyundai

3 years ago

I took my car in for warranty work on Saturday Feb...

I took my car in for warranty work on Saturday Feb. 23 and all was good with checking in, they told me about an hour to do the work but took easily over 2 hours. Then I got my car back and noticed the driver side Air dam was scratched deeply, I should have said something but Frankly I was tired of wasting my Saturday at the dealership, this was not there the day before as I had washed the car and touched up the opposite side which had a similar scratch that I had done myself . Anyways make sure that u check your car thoughrly before giving your keys and have mutual inspection with the rep. I believe they used to do this before .

Toronto Hyundai thank you for contacting me after this review and asking for all my info. so you could contact me , well your service manager has not yet contacted me, therefore I will be ending this relationship and I will move all my ervice calls to somewhere else where I'm appreciated .

As result I have reduced your rating to one Star .



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