Tina Barroso

3 years ago

Thank you

Thank you
Yesterday I lost control of my car while driving at Southwest Pkwy, right out of 71.
For a few seconds, I didn't think I was going to make it, and the guilt of leaving my family for such a silly mistake was almost as bad as the fear from the pain or worst that I saw coming my way.
Today is my birthday, and I'm hurt and bruised, but in one piece. I have a lot to celebrate! Not only I'm still here, but I didn't hurt anyone nearby my accident.

I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the angels that came to my help. Strangers that were driving by and stopped to help me, comfort me, call 911 and my husband. I don't know their names, which is why I'm posting this to the public and not to my private friend's lists.

I also wanted to thank Travis-County EMS, Travis County Sr. Deputy Tim Williams and team that got so fast there to help me out of my car and take me to South Austin Hospital. The team at South Austin was very caring and efficient.

Sorry if I forgot anyone. I was pretty shaken-up yesterday.

I hope I can give back all the support and kindness I got yesterday in my lifetime.
God bless all my guarding angels.


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