Shataqua Cash

3 years ago

I like to say I adopted mAh Kobe from this shelter...

I like to say I adopted mAh Kobe from this shelter. His name was Jolly an amazing 8 yr. old Chihuahua. Great shelter but there are CONS... What I have noticed is that you get what you get. This shelter I believe just wants to get rid of these animals ASAP without knowing their behavior. Day I adopted mAh Kobe I noticed:

1) He doesn't walk on leashes
2) He is deathly afraid of MEN!!!
3) He is scared of loud sounds
4) He scared to even eat sometimes because his collar with his tags hits the bowl
5) It seems like he has OCD especially when he eats... He goes back and forth a few times before he grab some food...
6) He ran away from me twice because he was scared of mAh man cousin and since he doesn't walk on the leash he follows me but I have to walk him alone at night where there's no one on the street
7) Pros: He loves kids (I think because there small just like him
8) He love women (lady's man )
8) His little tiny bark is cute he was quite for like 2weeks no bark but my house was getting remodel and he didn't like the workers so that was the first time he barked, it's such an old man bark too
9) We moving to Boston soon and he will be surrounded by good ppl that will love him.. no more Vegas
But thank God he trust me . It was hard in the beginning and we still have a long way to go before I see any dramatic change.

P.S. Please know these dogs before they get adopted, because it can be a dangerous situation. You don't know the dogs likes or dislikes... I'm patience and will do whatever I can to make his little life amazing and comfortable... 1st thing is to get him to walk on a leash. 2nd to get him use to men because we will be living with men So wish me luck


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