Michael Montes

4 years ago

In May 2019, I purchased a car from Gregg Young Ch...

In May 2019, I purchased a car from Gregg Young Chevrolet via salesman Dominico Catania. It was my first purchase in Nebraska and I was not aware of how registration fees and taxes work. I was concerned I would not be able to pay the registration fee. The new car purchase was out of necessity as our paid off car had been totalled in a wreck the day before. Dominico advised me that there was a way to extend the 30 day registration window by paying about a $20 fee. He said this would be available to renew 2 times after the 30 days. I trusted his knowledge as he said he had been in car sales for over 10 years. I knew I would need more time to pay the registration and taxes because I was adding a new expense. My wife was with me and we both asked him about the registration and taxes at least 3-4 times. He stated the same. When I called the DMV for an extension they said no such thing existed. I was furious as I was lied to and misled so Dominico and Gregg Young could make the sale. The reality is, if I had been told told the registration and taxes would be in 30 days no matter what, the purchase of the car would have had to wait a little longer.

In addition, when I brought the new car back to the dealership the next day because they did not clean it or fill it with gas, they crashed it. The dealership said they would not report it and just fix it back to new. I fought against this although they insisted they would fix it back to new. They eventually gave me a new car and not the crashed one. I would speculate they fixed the crashed car and are selling it to a different consumer as "new" when it is not. I've bought several new cars in the past and it's always difficult dealing with the purchase - it takes time and negotiation. But this was by far the worst experience. Being lied to, then trying to be scammed into taking home a crashed car, then finding out the salesman lied again. Even if you're in a desperate situation, I encourage you to stay away from this dealership.


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