
marisol garcia

3 years ago

This Friday I had to put my kitten to sleep; Becau...

This Friday I had to put my kitten to sleep; Because someone ran me over with the car and tore it apart from the inside with my heart shattered and my soul out of place I arrived at the Humane Society, I found people so beautiful so human that at times I came to think that they felt and lived with me This pain that was killing me, They treated me with so much love and sweetness that I cannot find words to express my thanks. I can only send you many blessings. Thank you from my heart and if one day you have a baby kitten, I accept it with great pleasure and love.

To be honest
Marisol Rubio, Jack Roque Rubio's mom, how can I make my donation again, only that at the moment it can only be
$ 7: 00 at.


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