Jodi I

4 years ago

Meriter Hospital, 1/2/16

Meriter Hospital, 1/2/16

Over recent years I have had many physical therapist through the Meriter system, as my
Physician Plus insurance has total coverage. In so being, I have never had any coinsurance, co-payment,
or any additional payments for materials used during these therapies.
When I received a Meriter bill for a 6/10/15 P.T. visit, I called the Madison office to question this billing.
They had no record of a co-payment nor what the item was being bill for, nor did the Monona therapy office that I attended. Physicians Plus had no real information either, other than it was listed as coinsurance, in which I do not have, so the concession was that it must be a tangible item given to me.
My P.T visits were consistent, with the usual tapes, bandages, and/or bio freeze products, so I had know idea what could possibly billable.
The previous contact to Meriter back in August 2015 proved to have no merit to its billing practice for a coinsurance in which I thought the Madison staff had taken care of this issue, as I heard nothing further.
Then after receiving another bill 12/21/15, I realized that this was not handle by the Meriter billing staffer I had spoken to on the matter.
So on 12/28/15 I made the same regiment of calls, getting the same answers, as to no one knowing what this item was that I was being billed for. When call the Monona p.t. office, the new staff there was a bit more helpful than the previous contact, as staff returned my call promptly with an answer.
The item she shows in the records was a splint, made of gauze and wax. Oh yes this is a tangible item if you want to call it that, but it is also comparable to the tape that has been used. Also known as supplies.
So I called Meriter billing to question this material supply, as a billable tangible item. I was told, that it was of course, and the tape that is being used, is also. She said the tape, is within the bill, to the insurance company.
So here it is, materials being billed to the insured, as a coinsurance, without informing the customer that this falls outside of their insurance, and is a poor business practice by Meriter. In addition, the billing department does not have detailed information, as to what is being billed, which falls within this same continuum.
Please be advised that the coinsurance payment enclosed, as it is stated in your records,
is a reflection of Meriter Hospitals gouging its customers.
As my P.T. continues today, it does so outside of the Meriter system.



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