Taufeeq Riyaz
Review of Kaaba

3 years ago

The Kaaba (Arabic: al-ka bah IPA: [al k...

The Kaaba (Arabic: al-ka bah IPA: [al ka ba], "The Cube"), also referred as al-Ka bah al-Musharrafah (Arabic: , the Holy Ka'bah), is a building at the center of Islam's most important mosque, Al-Masjid Al- ar m (Arabic: , The Sacred Mosque), in the Hejazi city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is the most sacred site in Islam. It is considered by Muslims to be the Bayt All h (Arabic: , "House of God"), and has a similar role to the Tabernacle and Holy of Holies in Judaism. Its location determines the qiblah (Arabic: , direction of prayer). Wherever they are in the world, Muslims are expected to face the Kaaba when performing Salah (Arabic: , Islamic prayer).


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