Review of SelectHealth

4 years ago

They have descent customer service compared to oth...

They have descent customer service compared to other insurance companies. However, I recently got a new job that provides insurance through Select Health. As part of my new insurance agreement, I get to be on a Share plan, which basically means I have to do all of this extra stuff (participate in online activities, go through mandatory health screenings, etc.). They have no way of tracking whether or not any of the information I enter into the online database is true either, so I could just lie and say I did something that I didn't really do. If my co-workers who are also on the plan choose not to participate in the activities, then all of our rates will go up. They claim the purpose of all this is to keep rates low and improve overall community health, but I'm not paying any less than I was before I signed up for this BS plan. Plus it's high deductible, so I'm basically paying for 100% of costs out of pocket anyway in addition to now having to waste my time on all the extras. Do NOT get a share plan. It's a total waste of time, and it isn't going to save you anything.


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