Toccara Jones

3 years ago

My family and I moved into our subdivision a littl...

My family and I moved into our subdivision a little over a year ago. We have not had the same experience thus far as other happy homeowners with this HOA. When we closed on our home, we received no welcoming packet letting us know who Fieldstone was, or what they were about. My first interaction came when we received a letter in the mail, a month or two after we moved in, informing us that if we owe PO Solutions, we need to pay them by a certain date. My husband and I were so confused and had to talk to neighbors to figure out what was going on. They too were just as confused as we were, but we all began figuring things out. Although things were getting figured out they were getting figured out the hard way. My neighbors were getting fines and letters for doing things to their homes without permission. This was occurring because at closing and shortly after no one received any welcoming letter informing us of the covenants. We had people new to becoming homeowners and was unaware of how HOA works. To cut out all the confusion amongst everyone we asked for a meeting with our HOA manager so we can all get an understanding of the many questions that we needed answers to. We had a meeting in which I didn t attend but my husband went to represent our family. There questions got answered and everyone left with a little better understanding of Fieldstones expectations. There, our president and other members were voted on and we were told a letter would be sent out informing us of who they are and what are their roles in our phase was. This was in December and that hasn t happened yet. Another instance, In February everyone was suppose to have their Christmas light down. We took our lights down the day after Christmas but still received a fine of $175.00. We emailed our manager to get an explanation as to why we were fined, along with a picture of how our home looked. They told us they would exterminate the fine, but other neighbors still had their lights up. We were left in a state of confusion once more because our neighbor s lights had nothing to do with our home and the fine we received. I could understand if our home got mixed up with our neighbor s, but even in that event, an apology wasn t even offered. We also had issues with neighbors not complying to the covenants. We explained the issue to our manager, and was told things would be handled to a certain degree on their end. Months later, we came back to inform HOA that the issue is still occurring and was told there was nothing further that could be done. My husband and I pushed back a little because we are reading the covenants and interpreting it one way but are being told something totally different. We tried to call the office, instead we only get the messaging system. I understand everyone is busy but we are paying owners and feel we are getting brushed off. So far, communication with this organization, in our opinion, is subpar.


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