3 years ago

Booked La Pergola, a Michelin 3 star restaurant, f...

Booked La Pergola, a Michelin 3 star restaurant, for our last dinner in Rome few months ago. When we arrived at the door, the hostress said to us the restaurant requires men to keep their suit jacket on while dining, and she ensured me the setted temperture of 21 degree is the perfect temperature (perfect temperature for what?, I thought in my mind)! After sitting there for 5 minutes to wait for our table to be ready, I began to sweat and breathing uneasily in the stuffy air. At that moment, I stood up and walked up to the hostress and said to her I want to cancel the reservation. She was surprised and went to consult her supervisor. The supervisor came and looked at me with an inconceivably expression for couple of seconds. Before he spoke, I said, "May I take off my jacket after I sit in the table, becasue it is uncomfortablely hot in here.". He replied with certainty, "the temperature is setted perfectly at 21 degree, and it is the perfect room temperature." and insisted that I must keep wearing a jacket while I am eating. Without second thought, I said to him, "I apologize for the inconvenience that may caused you, but I have to cancel the reservation." Then, we lefted this Michelin 3 stared restaurant that located in a 5 stared grand hotel of Roma without looking back. The uptight formality that disregard the well-being of their customers totally destroyed an enthusiastic eater's appetite for their food... La Pergola is a formal and upscale restaurants that simply failed in providing a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere for their customers. This is what I would considered as "lack of eater's experience."... P.S. Given it 2 stars on the Google review for flawlessly 60's oldschool glisten style grand hotel.


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