Lisa Murray

4 years ago

I believe that New Method Wellness has saved my so...

I believe that New Method Wellness has saved my son s life and consequently my family s lives. It is through sheer knowledge, compassion and strength that they broke thru my sons hard shell and have been able to teach him how to live a sober life. We never would have been able to do this ourselves. With the team at New Method Wellness we feel we are not alone on this very difficult jiyrney .They gave all of us tangible steps for us to follow so we could transition from enabling him to supporting him and yes there is a big difference between the two. The insightfulness of the counselors is incredible. Within a few weeks my sons counsellor had dug deep into my son - he knew things about my son that took me 20 years to learn. I also have to give a huge thank you to Susie Hopson-Blum the co-owner of NMW , she is an angel who speaks the honest to goodness truth about what it takes to get clean. She speaks from her heart and really believes in her patients that they can get get sober.
I hope anyone contemplating this treatment center can know that a life of sobriety is within reach and let New Method Wellness drive the bus down that road to hope.


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