Google User

4 years ago

Thoroughly disappointed with my service.

Thoroughly disappointed with my service.

Two months ago my desktop's power supply shorted out. At the time I was working long hours, so I decided to pay for the convenience of having it fixed at Onsite Consulting. The whole ordeal turned out to be more of a hassle than if I had just bought a new PSU and rebuilt the unit myself.

To start off, my problem was somehow misdiagnosed even though I had told them exactly what the issue was to begin with. It was only realized after I agreed to have them install a new MOBO/CPU and the PC was still not powering on. They gave me the option to return the unnecessary parts, but I figured rather than wasting more time (it had been 3-4 days in the shop at this point) I would just pay and keep the updated hardware while we're at it.

To be fair, the technician did give me a $67 discount on labor for the mishap, but it was outweighed by about $70 worth of RAM that I never agreed to have installed. I only noticed the new RAM later when I first booted up the PC and had to fix a terrible noise coming from the CPU cooler. I doubt the broken CPU cooler was their fault, but there is no way they didn't notice that at the shop and it could have been addressed.

On top of that, all of my old working hardware (CPU/MOBO/RAM), something over $300 worth, was just sort of lost in translation. I figured I'd let it go, thinking they'd find better use for it anyway, it's just strange they didn't even mention it or ask me if I'd like it back. Some customer reading this review could be using my old processor right now; you're welcome.

I gave Onsite a huge benefit of the doubt because I'm too nice, and they were nice and pleasant over the phone. The reason I'm writing this review now is because after only 2 months, my PSU shorted out again. Most likely because the unit they chose to install is a REFURBISHED piece of garbage, not a solid choice for a complete build. I'll be lucky if it didn't ruin any other components.

Wolfgang Craig - Owner of the most expensive paperweight known to man.


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