Massimo Ferrari

3 years ago

Embarrassing site, shame.

Embarrassing site, shame.
I limit myself to reviewing the Intesa Sanpaolo Assicura website. I am the holder of third party liability insurance policies for cars and campers. While for the passenger car I was covered with deadline notices in addition to 2 ready-made quotes, for the camper I received nothing. Better, therefore, not to rely on the Company's reminders.
So I try to renew the camper policy from the Personal Area of the site but I discover that it is not possible. You have to go out, look for the word "Other vehicles" on the Home page and generate a new quote. (@ ### !!! XXX !!) A mask appears where I am asked for data that, in hindsight, would already be present in my personal area (!!). I'll fill in the form ... patience.
4th line, the class of merit is required, I realize that I do not have the risk certificate and I realize that it has not been sent to me. Furthermore, I discover that there are 2 (two) classes of merit on the certificate: the - let's say - normal, that is, the one that everyone has and the one assigned by Intesa Sanpaolo Assicura, which has different levels so it is better not to venture.
I must therefore abandon the estimate (grrrr. !!!) and return, at least I thought, to the personal area but I discover instead that I have to request it in a different mask (!!!) outside the personal area (arrrrggg .. !!) . I fill out the form and get the certificate. I start all over again and recompile everything but this time the "PROCEED" button at the end of the first form is not activated. No way. I call assistance (it is the fourth phone call for this and other needs that I am omitting) and the very kind young lady tells me that she will generate a new quote that I should then find in my Personal Area. The email arrives that informs me, I enter the site but no trace of the quote or, better, my data and two circles appear that turn in the middle of the page (hamster style in the wheel) but nothing ... nothing happens, everything blocked. Disconsolate I decide to have dinner and postpone everything until later.
9.30 pm (first attempt at 5.30 pm) I go back to the computer and decided to finish but ... "SITE UNDER MAINTENANCE" ...

To the gentlemen of Intesa Sanpaolo Assicura, or to those on their behalf, who have authorized the putting into production of this site, I would like to give some advice: go hoeing.


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