
4 years ago

I'm sad to read so many negative reviews about thi...

I'm sad to read so many negative reviews about this hospital because they saved my life and I am SO grateful to the staff and facility.....
Having NO insurance two friends of mine carried me into the ER at 4am because I was passed out and apparently having a heart attack (99.9% stenosis, right coronary artery, or RCA). Within a few hours the ER team found elevated hormone levels in my blood which is a tell tale sign of a heart attack. I immediately was admitted into the Cath lab where they performed angiography. I went 100% during the procedure. The team quickly placed a stent in the affected artery and sent me off to ICU. 0% damage to my heart. No trace whatsoever of a heart attack. I remember the pulmonary surgeons smiling and laughing and tell me that I'm the luckiest man alive because nobody goes 100% during that procedure.
Let's talk about the ICU. Private room, incredible nurses and doctors and quite frankly, smothering me with attention and care 24 hrs a day the four days I was there.
I did mention I had no insurance at that time, right? I truly believe that if taken ANYWHERE else they would have let this 40 year old die.

Thank you good Sam. I owe you my life and my heart......


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