

3 years ago

This is one of the worst places I have ever worked...

This is one of the worst places I have ever worked and Gambled at. When you get hired, HR does whatever they can to make the new employees think that this place is so wonderful. Even though they know it's not, they have to pretend that everything is all hunky dory so that they don't get a target on their back. Its a whole different world once you start working, and trying to keep up with all the policy changes that the managers make up themselves that HR doesn't know about, is ridiculous. The managers blame Gaming control for the changes, but when you ask Gaming Control about it, they have no idea what your talking about. And when you try to tell HR anything that you think is not right they basically say that you are full of it, even when multiple employees tell them the same thing. HR and the Managers In most of the departments are manipulative liars. Also If you say anything about what you don't like, then you are just being a negative person and you get a target on your back. They also put the blame on the employees for the negative reviews from people, when clearly its Poor Marketing, Poor Ventilation, Poor Payouts, Poor Management, etc.... most of the hourly employees are great people (aside from all the gossip) and they do their job very well.
As for Gambling, all the negative reviews on here are 100% true. I would not recommend this place for anybody.


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