Cheryl Carmack
Review of FortuneBuilders

4 years ago

Hello everyone.

Hello everyone.

I have to say that I was not ready in my mind to stand up in front of people and speak. Especially when it is speaking about something that I am just learning about for the first time.

Shawn chose me a couple of different times at the Full Immersion classes this past weekend. He chose me to go up to the front of the class for the learning process for the students. Although I was extremely nervous, red faced, and uncomfortable the entire time that I was speaking I pushed through it. By the end of the day I feel that this was the best way that I could have learned the maximum amount of information and retain it.

So even though I would have never have chosen this way to learn and going forward I still may have a hard time going up to the front of the class to speak, I truly feel it was the best way for me to learn. I know that I will be okay to do this again if I am called upon. Thank you Shawn for that.

As much as I didn't think this at first, (when I was called upon) in my opinion Shawn chose a great way to teach all of the students by doing that type of teaching.

Many thanks to Shawn Tiberio


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