Anita Rud

3 years ago

With the best will not again!

With the best will not again!

In general, the parking situation can only be described as catastrophic, both for patients and residents. However, it is not the clinic that is responsible, but the city administration. Urban planning runs from very questionable points of view.

For obstetrics:
The family or single room is not worth mentioning. Comparable to winning the lottery or the exception to the exception. So high is the probability that you can see one of them from the inside. And if you get a single room with an extra bed for your partner, that can be changed the next day! Comprehensible due to the enormous crowds of pregnant women, but also absolutely unsatisfactory with fresh offspring and a need for rest.
Showers and toilets in the hallways take some getting used to, but are practical. Movement is good.

The nurses and midwives are all very friendly and try hard. Hats off on the run!
I only saw the chief doctor at the information evening. His focus was on numbers and statistics, and therefore too far from the actual birth. Also understandable due to the post, but it seemed out of place on the info evening between practical obstetricians and expectant mothers.

The senior consultant Dr. Heine is the opposite. Totally friendly, empathetic and definitely top in his field. Anyone who meets him will immediately feel in good hands!
It's no use if you only see him for a preliminary discussion. He says he speaks this and that with the operating doctor, but nothing matters.

Now for the special:
The first time the KS was waited for far too long, so that the baby felt correspondingly bad after birth. It's a shame if the midwife thinks you would only do that. "Yes, it just hurts and is not nice. You have to go through it. Others did it too." No, you don't have to. Also poorly sewn, which later had to be surgically corrected.

The second time it was not recognized that the seam was torn open 1 day after birth. And this despite the fact that I had described clear complaints several times and the stomach was already bulging unilaterally. From Dr. Meyersieck, who had also operated on me, was told me several times that he saw nothing and that was quite normal! That would recede itself!
Since no one could help me, I chose to be released on the third day.
Shortly afterwards, a surgeon in Hanover noticed the hernia with the naked eye. It was easy to feel without imaging. Took less than 5 minutes! Surgical correction was also required here.

Experience with the emergency room:
The doctor in the emergency room let me sign a volunteer statement for an ankle orthosis, without which I could not have left the clinic. Afterwards, the health insurance company refused to pay for the orthosis, since I would have voluntarily decided to do so.

Conclusion: Due to the racing that I had after every treatment in the EV, I can only advise against visiting. Friendly staff can also be found elsewhere.


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