Anonymous Student

4 years ago

UPDATE: Thanks for trying to censor this review......

UPDATE: Thanks for trying to censor this review... It wont work!!!

I agree with what Sarah has to say. I am a student at HCA (Horizon Christian Academy) and there is a large problem with administration at this school. I don t blame the teachers for leaving. My parents went to Gary Bennett, and went to the board. Neither did anything. They administration doesn t care, they don t care unless you bring the school money. Were we big donors? No. Did we spend $1,000 on a VIP parking spot? nope. Did I play football? nah. Because my family and I aren t important, they wouldn t listen to our complaints. This school exists to make money. They bring in over $1.5 million, yet they still beg and beg for donations. Letters upon letters are sent to the house begging for more money.

Don t get me started on the drama issues within this school. I know a kid who received legitimate death threat, yet the administration would do nothing because the threatee was on the football team. Every day, girls would get in petty fights over the stupidest things. Screaming and crying every day here. This is not a safe space. They claim that HCA is like being part of a family. Sure, it s a family. A family where you get bullied by your brothers and sisters and all of your step-parents don t do anything because the only reason they adopted you is because of your money.

One of my friends said the entirety of their bible class was spent explaining why Sarah was wrong in her review. In fact, it opened the students eyes to realize how RIGHT she was! The bible teacher was actively censoring the bad things, trying to manipulate the students into thinking the school is great.

Seniors never show up here. Seniors never get in trouble, coincidence that Gary Bennet is in charge of the senior bible class? There is no discipline. There is not order. The teachers don t care for the students. People need to have the heart to bring these issues to light.


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