Tammy Melzer

4 years ago

When i moved in four years ago,i really loved livi...

When i moved in four years ago,i really loved living at Oakridge/Antioch..The place has really gone down hill.Its very dirty,they don't want to pay very much for cleaning the building.We have a company coming in ever other week for four hours.Its a three story building.Its very sanitary for the disabled and elderly.The cigarette smoke is so strong in my hallway i have to hold my breath as long as i can.Its affecting my health horribly.I have three neighbors that are chain smokers,they all live in the same corner of the building that i live in.I keep getting told that this building will never go smoke free,so move if i don't like it.. Last week management and maintance went into a man's apartment when he wasn't home.He didn't know they had been in there,untill i told him.They didn't even leave a note.And the reason was because someone told management she smelled marijuana.According to the policy,management or maintance have to have approval to go into someones apartment,unless its an emergency.... I can't even do my laundry in peace.She blocked the laundry room door so i couldn't get in it.Management is aware of it.There's a big trouble maker in our building.I told management, she said call the police.Why should i waste there time? The trouble maker in our building,keeps harrassing me and telling lies about me to management.I have talked to the manager about it,but nothing gets done about it...

I hope its better her at Oakridge.There are a lot of concerned residents....And are looking for other places to live.


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