Vinnie Wee

4 years ago

You deserve O star!!!

You deserve O star!!!

I ordered a product yesterday before around 11pm yesterday and is expecting it to reach me today. If you are unable to deliver it today, you should let me know early and with CLEAR AND BIG WRITING instead of having small little print somewhere in your website to disclaim yourself. This is so that I can decide if I should continue to shop online or BUY THE PRODUCT DIRECTLY FROM YOUR SHOP. Waited for the whole day and then your customer service told me that you are understaff and my product cannot be delivered on time. DO NOT freaking sell a promise that you cannot deliver and stop wasting people time for no reason. Now, do cancel my product immediately and refund. I should have ordered from CoolBlue!!!

I bet that's the reason why you don't have a review button because your service sucks!


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