Holly Jean

3 years ago

At first, I thought working at CapTel in Arlington...

At first, I thought working at CapTel in Arlington was close to the perfect part-time job for me. I was excellent at it (regularly got 98 or higher out of 100 on my daily monitors), got along with my supervisors, and was paid decently.

I had been there several months, paid off some debt, and was ready to go back to just having my full-time job. I put in my 2 weeks notice.

It's funny how all of the following went down within 24 hours of me submitting my notice.

There was a period of 2 weeks where the supervisors would not respond to my calling for them. I did bring this up to them after the first couple of days, and they apologized but did not have any solutions for me.

Basically, if you need a supervisor, you press a button on the keyboard that is supposed to alert the supervisor to come over and assist you. According to the rules, you call them for 911 calls, when there is no audio, or if there is foreign language for more than 30 seconds. (There are other reasons, but these were the ones I had trouble with for these 2 weeks.)

I had a total of 8 phone calls within those 2 weeks where I needed help, and I finally hit the limit when I ended up with an hour long call with no audio. I didn't want to get in trouble if a customer complained about me not captioning them, so I went to the floor supervisor. I explained to him what had been happening. He listened to me and said he would get back soon.

The next day, he sat me down at the end of my shift, said IT investigated the problem, and said he was referring me to HR for policy violation (their version of getting written up), and said I would be punished up to and including termination. Apparently, it was my own fault the supervisors ignored me. In training, I was told to hit the supervisor key and wait. The floor supervisor said I should have done these things:

1. Keep pressing the button over and over again (in training I was specifically told to push it once and wait for them to come). There is an indicator that comes on the screen so you know the call went through.

2. Interrupt the people in the cubicles around me (on their own phone calls!) and try to get them to get a supervisor for me.

3. Stand up and wave my arms around to "flag down" someone. I would like to point out that I am almost 6 feet tall, but I couldn't even see over the cubicle walls because they were so tall. How could little 5 foot Blake* possibly see me?

(*Name changed)

I was so appalled and angry that I could not even speak when he told me that I was the one in trouble. Literally speechless. I left the coaching room, grabbed my things, cleaned my space, and left. I did not return until a few days later when I returned my headphones and submitted my letter to HR explaining the situation. My supervisor was genuinely sorry to see me go because I was one of the best on his team.

Like I said, most of this job was pretty great. I could read in between phone calls, there was no dress code, and the supervisors (other than the floor supervisor) were pretty cool.

Some other bad things were that a lot of people did not clean their computers at the end of their shift. I regularly had to wipe the fingerprints from the touch screen monitor and keyboard before I even started my shift. We were specifically trained to go get a cloth, spray it, and wipe down your equipment before leaving. They had the supplies all over the place, but a lot of slobby people refused to do this. It was disgusting.

Another disgusting thing was the people who did not wash their hands after using the restroom. What is wrong with people?

Tl; dr: Had a great job, tried to report something someone else had done in order to keep myself out of trouble for it, ended up getting in trouble and quitting before they could fire me.


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