4 years ago

I appreciate all of our frontline heroes, doctors,...

I appreciate all of our frontline heroes, doctors, nurses, techs this is nothing against them personally, they were nice even though you could tell they we're definitely overworked, understaffed and frustrated. This is about the hospital's organization, system and wait times that were absolutely horrible and excruciating! I came to this local ER after a few days of experiencing pain, weakness, tachycardia with high bp, and dehydration among other things going on. Blood work, x-rays and EKG were all done within an hour which was great at first, but then I spent 11 hours in the ER waiting room to finally get results and to be seen by a doctor, which was by an accident! The one doctor I eventually saw, just so happened to be nearby when I asked the nurse in the waiting room triage to please re-take my vitals after sitting for 11 hours in the waiting room chair, feeling worse and worse. The doctor was nice and explained my results, what they thought was going on and the treatment plan. The nurse also did a covid test there in triage in the waiting room and said it would take 3-5 days for results. This is not their fault, but why does it take so long for this hospital's test results, when everywhere else in town has a 15 min - 24 hr quick turn around time? During the whole visit, I was never taken back to a bed or room, never received IV fluids for dehydration or pain medication, never examined. No privacy. Other patients waiting at the counter, a couple feet away. Once I got my prescriptions and discharge paperwork, it had been over 12 hours! Who knows how long it would have been, if I didn't accidentally see the doctor in the waiting room? It was absolutely sickening and heart-breaking seeing very critical patients (elderly in wheelchairs by themself, adults, kids and tiny babies included) some with chest pain, needing stitches, excessive vomiting and crying with abdominal pain, possible broken arm, heart issues, etc. all sitting for multiple hours in the waiting room, many with names uncalled and then eventually leaving in frustration without ever seeing the doctor. Some patients nearby me, had been there for at least 14 hours, unseen by a doctor!! I'm glad I wasn't dying. With having a few immediate family members in the medical field, this is absolutely unacceptable and disgusting. As a whole, we all pay top dollar for our health insurance, in taxes, co-pays, etc. and in return, sadly, this is how we are treated. I know I'm not the only person experiencing and seeing these things happen here. I pray the leadership teams of this hospital can have eyes to see the truth around them and the boldness to make the actions and changes necessary to turn this ER around for the sake of their patients and their care. For myself, unfortunately, I will not be coming back here. I would not recommend this ER. Next time, I will make the drive to go elsewhere.


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