Teresa Branch

3 years ago

I was truly impressed with Nicholas Watson s drivi...

I was truly impressed with Nicholas Watson s driving commitment to excellence. I am sure his manner of facilitating the pros and cons of which car to select will prove to be profitable in his future endeavors.

There are many proficient and dedicated employees at Enterprise Rental Car and there are also employees who because of their commitment must be considered outstanding. In my judgment, Nicholas is by far proficient, outstanding and dedicated to whatever he commits himself. Leadership, responsibility and commitment were qualities that I observed in my brief introduction with Nicholas, which are evidenced by his performance.

A quote I once heard states, There are three kinds of people in this world, people who make things happen, people who let things happen and people and people who watch things happen. Nicholas Watson definitely makes things happen. Self-initiative is a quality he possesses because he initiated professional conversation and treated us as professionals. Responsibility appears to be a highlight in his life because he took time to respond to my email, even though he was not on duty. In my observation, every aspect of my visit was meticulously handled by Nicholas in a professional manner. I am so happy my daughter and I were assigned the right person to make us feel home away from home as well as welcome us to Raleigh.

Thank you for hiring such a wonderful people person at Enterprise.


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