Dietrich Duke

4 years ago

It's been almost 20 years since I've been to COSI ...

It's been almost 20 years since I've been to COSI -- back when they were at their old location. Being that far in the past, and several college parties (thanks Ohio State) later, I barely remember what was in the old COSI, but I remember having a good time.

So it's no surprise that I finally got around to taking my kidlets, I got lost trying to find the new location. But, thanks to the handy Waze app, we found it and I dropped the kids off at the door with their mom while I went to find a parking spot. Now this should have been a precursor of what's to come, as anyone that charges $8 to park is going to have high admisson prices. So, I did what slightly overweight folk should do....found a spot on a side street.

Entering the center, my kids went haywire at all the lights and gizmos up front and restraining them was becoming a challenge. We made our way through the ticket line and upon purchasing our tickets, my wallet felt like it was now empty as the prices are bloody high. I mean high to the point that the people that this museum SHOULD serve won't be able to visit due to the ticket prices.

Anyway, moving on. The exhibits were nice, well spaced out and about 95% were in working order. Like a few other commentors mentioned, there really isn't a flow here -- it's more organized chaos than anything, so getting from one to another is can be challenging on a busy day.

After a few hours of exhibits, we decided we were hungry and since we didn't want to lug the kids and out of the car again, we decided to take our chances with the cafeteria. A few other visitors mentioned that it's 'cafeteria food', but ok, so we went ahead and went to the cafe.

$40 on a 2 sandwiches, a salad, and some chicken strips later, we were sorely disappointed in the food and the prices of it. I know it's a museum and not a restaurant, but c'mon folks....

All in all we had fun at COSI, but I doubt we will go back anytime soon as it is too expensive for what it is. If they ever lower the prices (doubtful) or have some super special event, we might come back, but until then....


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