Meg Miller

3 years ago

Horrible customer service. I called because my wat...

Horrible customer service. I called because my water was off. The customer service person informed me that there was maintenance being done and everyone on my block was affected. The water was not expected to be back on for another 4-6 hours. When I asked about notification to residents affected (I hadn't received any), he said that it was sent out through Notify JoCo to TWELVE residents. There are more than 12 residents on my block. When I asked if there were any other notification methods because this was the first time I was hearing about Notify JoCo and there are many older people on my block who are not tech saavy, he informed that there were none. I asked to make a formal complaint/suggestion that other methods are used to inform residents (email/mail/call/etc). He informed me that there was only one supervisor I could speak to and he was away from his desk. Only one supervisor for a customer service line? The only option given to me was to leave a voicemail for the supervisor.

This is unacceptable. First, no meaningful notification of water being turned off to all residents affected (major inconvenience). Second, no way of receiving a formal complaint or suggestion.

Edit: I would like to point out that the owner's response takes no accountability for the issue; nor does it provide an alternate solution to Notify JoCo. As expressed above, I had never heard of Notify JoCo until my phone call today (customer of more than 2 years) and it is obviously not an effective means of communication if it only reached 12 people on my block.


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