
arie hendriks
Review of Travel Active

4 years ago

Good day,

Good day,
Hereby a review about a student in house.
We had registered as a host family for a foreign student, and could come in January 2018. On August 2017, we were called several times by travel active or we wanted to take a student home in September. We thought we would give it a chance some insistence. (later we understood why. we explain this later) September our student came from Thailand, without consultation how she would be picked up, she arrived at 7.00 am and I had night shift. Then she takes a taxi, she was communicated (hopeless), so quickly from my work to pick her up. Of course she asked which school she went to, was not arranged. With co-operation and coercion on our part, it took 1 month before she could go to school, what a poor guidance. Travel Active gives you the idea that you should give students a chance because they are not all mediators, we do not receive a euro for the reception as a host family. Well, we knew that, our student was planning a holiday, or went on vacation. I have called here with travel active, we feel misled and are used as a hotel .. Normally a family research is done for a student comes to us this is not done, but the financial is more important than the personal.We talk about This course of events has a very bad feeling about it. Our student is now back to Thailand without speaking a word of Dutch (really instructive). When she left, nothing was arranged how she could come to Schiphol, we had to arrange a very bad experience with Travel Active. It is a commercial foundation that only thinks in the interests of itself, and not the student. It was a negative experience for our family, and would discourage everyone. Completing this review.28-06-2018 is Anne Meijers Travel Active at our home to talk about this review, It was a good and enlightening conversation, and Anne admitted that there was a lot of error. Has explained well how the working method of Travel Active, and normally the good coaching is great fun to take a student home. Confidence has been restored, and my sincere apologies for my negative statements about Travel Active. Sometimes you have to deal with the law of Murphy, and that is neatly solved. .vr gr Fam.A.Hendrks


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