Marilynn Osman

3 years ago

It is fortunate I don t use hospitals very often. ...

It is fortunate I don t use hospitals very often. Blackpool Vic is a disgrace. My mother has been treated in Ward 35 on 2 separate occasions.
The first 18months ago I found the staff rude, arrogant, and economical with the truth and dam right offhand After my mother who at that time was was a dementia sufferer but could still comb her hair and know when she needed the toilet and other little daily procedures, had fractured her hip. She was left in her bed, no effort made to get her up, no effort made to give her drinks or help her with her food which was left on the tray at the end of her bed - she couldn t have reached it and the dementia meant she didn t even know what it was. Good job me and my sister fed her and helped keep her hydrated when we were there.
I tried to get my mum discharged after 13 days to get her back to her care home where she would be cared for. The sister told me I was a cruel unfeeling woman trying to discharge my mum back to a care home when she was being so well looked after in her Ward.
Mums in Ward 35 again, thank God the staff are so different. Simon, one of the senior nurses knows his job, does it and talks to relatives. AND mum is being care for
Which is just as well as
Mum has been ready for discharge since 22nd March after another hip operation. Now we move to the poor lack of coordination between all the different groups of staff. The Occupational Therapist( OT ) decides on Thursday evening (22nd) mum cannot be discharg3d without a piece of equipment to help transfer her from bed to chair and vice versa. It still hadn t been ordered on Friday. The lovely Simon chased it up and it eventually was ordered on Friday. The care home have to inform the OT when the kit has arrived but they tell me throughout the time mum has been in hospital it has proved almost impossible to make contact with this person. Let s hope they manage to make contact on Monday because the OT has to visit the care home and provide training for the staff to use this piece of very simple equipment.
All this means Mum is probably going to be occupying a bed for at least 7 days more than she needed to. AND hospital complain about bed blocking. They are the biggest culprits


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