Mark Owens

3 years ago



Kate made contact regards to finding my cv online. She was polite and friendly. We set up an appointment, one which i was unable to keep due to a last minute interview coming up.

Decide to sign up online. So far so good.

Today whilst in the pub the customary goodbye drinks ( coke for me as i was driving) a get a call from a fella by the name of Michael who was giving it the old big I am and dropping names ( one of them a former business manager of mine) like they meant anything to me.

He then proceeded to pitch jobs to me far below my expertise level ( bare in mind they had my c.v) and was telling me i would have to just accept a pay level of 19k and work up once i was in the job. I told him that was not going to happen so in response he asked what my expectations on a salary were and I advised the salary to which I was on. His response to this after being put straight was " You mean you were on" at this point I took exception to the jumped little tool and told him to drop his attitude.

After big shot down for the moron he is he then asked if I had been drinking.. At this point I politely advise I had not and did not need his useless assistance in my search for work having secured 6 interviews within a 2 week period myself. ( still waiting to hear back on 4 after 2 of the roles turned out not to be anything like they were advertised to be.)

I have since emailed Kate politely requesting to have my information deleted as I do not wish to be associated with such a disrespectful and tactless agency.


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