4 years ago

Reservations made on Opentable are subordinate to ...

Reservations made on Opentable are subordinate to call-in reservations or to guests of the hotel. Made a 7:45 dinner reservation for 2 online. Showed up at 7:20, sat at the bar and enjoyed a drink, while a few over-served patrons cursed up a storm and one actually fell off of the barstool. Charming. By 7:50, asked if we were coming up, "yes, table almost ready". By 8:00, it was "just letting the kitchen catch up", meanwhile, multiple parties of 2, 4 and 9 walked in (presumably within minutes of THEIR reserved time) and were seated immediately. By 8:15, they finally huffed and puffed as if taking our money and serving us dinner at their establishment was doing a favor for us, and offered to seat us at a table right behind the bar, that had been set and open since the moment we walked in. So, were you getting the table ready? Letting the kitchen catch up before the party of 9 next even arrived, or is it simply that reservations made online are second-class compared to calling and talking to the pretentious managers themselves? Reputation precedes this place, not sure what we did wrong here, wouldn't waste your time unless you're staying here and have no other choice, at which point they're already in your pocket and might offer a different level of service to you.


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