Martina Dunken

3 years ago



I start from the beginning. Hand surgery. The doctor comes in, looking for help, I just wanted to tell him what I have, she was not interested. Speech is not wanted, she wants to see pictures, no pictures, no conversation. I had to, as a man! almost howling, because I was so longingly looking forward to this conversation for weeks. Suddenly she gets up and leaves the room for 40 minutes. Another colleague came in and said she was in a meeting. Nice to know that. I urgently asked for a new doctor, or I would disappear. There was a new doctor who was about 0.1% friendlier. I wanted to show her where my problem lies, but she did not want to see it either. Instead, she sent me to the x-ray. X-rays were x-rayed from about 8 perspectives from my wrist. What madness! I'm so scared of radiation and cancer, that's what I mean, nobody cares. Then the doctor sends me back, take another picture. The radiologists, or at least trainees, or what works for weird inexperienced people, then took my left hand and x-rayed these completely uselessly several times. Again radiation and cancer, 5 years less life. She said you also have to x-ray the healing arm. In my protest, she called in front and learned that this should never happen. So she X-rays her right hand again. Because she was too stupid for that, she first X-rayed the same images as before, instead of just the one thing that was missing. When I complained, she patted me: "If you go to a hospital, you have to expect to be treated!" I've been thinking about showing that person for weeks, because if I die at 50 because of cancer, it could be because of the 14 pointless X-ray images that I had to do in just one hour. What a negligence, how to deal there with someone else's life. Such persons should be deprived of the license forever. If a lawyer reads this, please contact me. The hospital is by far the most incapable and unfriendly I have ever been
experienced in my current disease area.


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