Matt Mat

4 years ago



I like to go in depth in my reviews to get it into context. I sought a Psychiatrist for an examination due to my previous job to see if their were any PTSD issues or any other issues. This place was on my insurance. I had seen a psychologist before so maybe I'm comparing them which I'm not sure is appropriate but wow, the difference is amazing.

1st Visit
Very nice front desk! Can't complain there. I had some kind of "interview" because it was my first appointment with a very nice young lady who wasn't a Psychiatrist, but was clearly educated Im guessing a master's degree in some kind. She asked why I was there and was very friendly. Interview didn't take long and the wait was approximately 20 minutes in a room you'd expect to find in a Doctors office filled with 20-30 people. She gave me a an appointment for a "medication management" visit.

2nd Visit
My appoint was scheduled for 3:45pm, they called a day before to say they needed to make it 3:30pm because I was new and they needed the extra time. No problem with me. In my mind I'm thinking even better I get to talk to the Psychiatrist a bit longer. I show up promptly and wait in a hot completely filled (30-40 people) waiting room for an hour. 4:30ish pops around they call my number. Again the nurses were nice but they asked mostly the same questions I was asked the visit before about medications i was on.

Other than the extremely non-private hour wait here is my largest complain and why I gave it one star. They sent me to and A.R.N.P. who acted like she could give two craps about me. It was 4:45pm and time to go home. Her tone was mono, questions were straight, when I asked for some clarification on the questions I got the feeling of being stupid. Mid way through I knew this was pointless so I gave up and just answered the questions with one word. I've been dealing with this for 3 years, she met me for 5 minutes yet when I told her what meds work and dont' her knowledge of my body was better.

Somehow a Nurse Practitioner can prescribe a controlled substance as well after I told her it didn't work for me and I did not want it she still prescribed it to me. And then it was done. I took the Controlled Script and through it away because it was useless and went home without making another appointment.

I went to this place twice to be evaluated to see if I had PTSD and other and never saw a DR. Just tried to get meds shoved down my throat, meds I said I've tried and didn't work. Do you think they really care there? When I saw a Psychologist, there was NO wait time. I was brought in through the back door and my appointment time was my time. All for anonymity reasons.


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