1 year ago

A burglarized apartment was just the beginning…

I could easily write a novel about how terrible our experience has been with BlueGround Paris. When I tell my friends and family what we have been through and continue to deal with, they are in shock. Here's our stay in as few words as I can explain it (fyi it’s still a lot):

1. Upon arrival, we were sent to the wrong location to pickup the keys to our apartment, causing us to have to unload from our Uber and one of us go to another location, taking an hour round-trip to get back (after 14+ hours of travel)

2. We were also told incorrect instructions on where the key fob reader for the apartment was, delaying us getting into the apartment for almost another hour.

3. Within 24 hours (the next afternoon) our apartment was BURGLARIZED! We left for 5-6 hours, locked the door (checked it twice) and returned, unlocked the door (yep, you read that right), and EVERY cabinet & closet door was open, mattress flipped, items dumped on the floor, a complete mess. All of our electronics (computers, headphones, etc) and multiple other belongings were stolen (thousands of $$$ worth). Whoever did this had a key (BG denies this of course) and/or cased us as we waited to get into the apartment while standing in the hallway with all of our luggage, all thanks to incorrect instructions provided by BlueGround (#’s 1 & 2). Our 12 year old dog was in the unit during the burglary and was visibly shaken.

4. In the aftermath of the burglary, BlueGround was supportive enough for about two days as they relocated us to another apartment (much further away from the downtown core), refunded a small portion of what we lost (less than 30% worth). We truly expected to be taken care of and looked after given what had happened on our first day of a 3 month stay. It was a nice thought...

5. Upon checking into the next apartment, we noticed they only gave us one set of keys. They had to send a courier to bring another set. Soon after, we noticed the apartment itself was not well-prepared for us. The 2nd bedroom closet door was stuck and wouldn't open all the way and there were visible dust balls on the floor. Multiple lights were burned out in different rooms and the 2nd bathroom shower wouldn't drain. We had to have a plumber come by to fix it within the first few days. The broom provided was also rusted so bad it won't stay in one piece during use.

6. There were no fans provided for the apartment, even though it is Summer and temperatures reach 90+ on a regular basis and over 100 on some days. We had to request the fans and again they had to send a courier to drop them off. Luckily they were actually fairly quick about this.

7. Part of us agreeing to relocate to the apartment they offered was that they would tell us when they had something else come available closer to downtown (4th-6th Arr.’s). This never happened. They haven’t checked to see if we want to move or offered another location once.

8. And finally, our still ongoing struggle. The living/dining room area of the apartment has 4 large windows that get direct sunlight from around 3pm-8:30pm, but Blueground didn't install shades on these windows for whatever reason (all other windows have shades). This results in the apartment heating up like a sauna every day during those hours. The kicker is we requested curtains for the windows (along with a replacement broom) between June 10 - June 13. As I write this, we STILL have not received these items after multiple follow ups and promises that they were on their way. Today's date is August 6th - meaning it's been 56 DAYS! FIFTY. SIX. DAYS.

All of this to say, we would obviously never recommend BlueGround to those visiting Paris or elsewhere for that matter. Even removing the burglary situation that is clearly suspect considering our door was locked, we would still have been absolutely underwhelmed with how things have gone. It is clear to us that the BlueGround Paris team does not care to provide a good experience for tenants once they have your money. Had we not had to pay everything in advance, we would have cancelled after Day 1 and found other accommodations. Pretty much anything else would have been better at this point.


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