4 years ago

Hi, I have lived at Branbury for about a year and ...

Hi, I have lived at Branbury for about a year and a half now. I renewed my contract right before everything started getting awful. I absolutely and completely regret renewing my contract. Ever since these new renovations have been happening, strange and ridiculous fees have been showing up. Let's start with going online to pay rent. Did you know that you only have the option of paying with a card, or some cash payment plan. For a visa, there is a not so convenient "convenience fee" of almost $20. Now, you of course can choose the cash payment, but you have to take your cash to a certain location. I know, convenient right? I just want to pay my rent on time with out any hassle! Next fee, moving out early fee. This is no joke, if you want to move out early then you have to pay. Not only do you have to pay, but you have to pay $150 to the Branbury to sell YOUR OWN contract. They don't help you, they just take your groceries and gas money. I think that the Branbury is running low on money from the renovations or something, because these charges are so unnecessary. This is supposed to be STUDENT housing. What is one thing everyone knows students don't have? Money. We don't have money.
Lets talk about the water that seeps down our walls and creates bubbles in the paint. Not only that, during the renovation, a crack was put in our wall. Maintenance came and looked at it, said they would be back to fix it, we have yet to see them. There is mold in the bathroom's that grow, which is so bad and unhealthy! For all of the dumb extra fees we have to pay, its surprising how awful the conditions are we live in.
Please don't live here. If you still choose to, you have been warned.


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