
mike stubbs

4 years ago

I love your case studies on Rabies, not only are t...

I love your case studies on Rabies, not only are they better than watching any horror movie they also prove that doctors screw up on a regular basis. Every single case study involves a person being treated and streeted 3 or 4 and in some cases, 5 times before they get a diagnosis, of course by the time they do get diagnosed they are 80 percent dead. Usually they get the boot after a simple blood workup and some type of scan, first without any pain medication, just Flexeril. Second trip involves a more extensive workup with the doctors dropping the ball again, sometimes at the same hospital and an RX for Hydrocodone or Oyxcodone, probably no more than 12 pills. Doubtless by this point the poor patient likely can't even stand up. It's not until the 3rd or 4th trip, after the patient has had seizure that their illness is taken seriously.


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