Shamim Ali
Review of Kaaba

3 years ago

The Kaaba (Arabic: al-ka bah IPA: [al ka b...

The Kaaba (Arabic: al-ka bah IPA: [al ka ba], "The Cube"), also referred to as al-Ka bah al-Musharrafah (Arabic: , the Holy Ka'bah), is a building at the center of Islam's most important mosque, Great Mosque of Mecca (Arabic: , The Sacred Mosque), in the Hejazi city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia.[1] It is the most sacred site in Islam.[2] It is considered by Muslims to be the Bayt All h (Arabic: , "House of God"), and has a similar role to the Tabernacle and Holy of Holies in Judaism. Its location determines the qiblah (Arabic: , direction of prayer). Wherever they are in the world, Muslims are expected to face the Kaaba when performing Salah, the Islamic prayer.

One of the Five Pillars of Islam requires every Muslim who is able to do so to perform the Hajj (Arabic: , Greater Pilgrimage) at least once in their lifetime. Multiple parts of the hajj require pilgrims to make Tawaf (Arabic: , Circumambulation) seven times counter-clockwise around the Kaaba, the first three times fast, at the edge of the courtyard, and the last four times slowly, nearer the Kaaba. Tawaf is also performed by pilgrims during the Umrah (Arabic: , Lesser Pilgrimage).[2] However, the most significant time is during the hajj, when millions of pilgrims gather to circle the building during a 5-day period.[3][4] In 2017, the number of pilgrims coming from outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to perform hajj was officially reported as 1,752,014 and 600,108 Saudi Arabian residents bringing the total number of pilgrims to 2,352,122.[5].

I love prophet Muhammad . Muhammad[n 1] (Arabic: , pronounced [mu ammad];[n 2] c. 570 CE 8 June 632 CE)[1] was an Arab political, social and religious leader and the founder of Islam.[2] According to Islamic doctrine, he was a prophet, sent to present and confirm the monotheistic teachings preached previously by Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets.[2][3][4][5] He is viewed as the final prophet of God in all the main branches of Islam, though some modern denominations diverge from this belief.[n 3] Muhammad united Arabia into a single Muslim polity, with the Quran as well as his teachings and practices forming the basis of Islamic religious belief. He is referred to by many appellations, including Messenger of Allah, The Prophet Muhammad, Allah's Apostle, Last Prophet of Islam and others; there are also many variant spellings of Muhammad, such as Mohamet, Mahamad, Muhamad and many others.

Born approximately 570 CE (Year of the Elephant) in the Arabian city of Mecca, Muhammad was orphaned at the age of six.[6] He was raised under the care of his paternal grandfather Abd al-Muttalib, and upon his death, by his uncle Abu Talib.[7] In later years he would periodically seclude himself in a mountain cave named Hira for several nights of prayer. When he was 40, Muhammad reported being visited by Gabriel in the cave,[8][9] and receiving his first revelation from God. Three years later, in 610,[10] Muhammad started preaching these revelations publicly,[11] proclaiming that "God is One", that complete "submission" (isl m) to God[12] is the right way of life (d n),[13] and that he was a prophet and messenger of God, similar to the other prophets in Islam.[14][15][16]


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