Jezebelle Rebel

4 years ago

My uncle recently purchased a Jeep Cherokee from t...

My uncle recently purchased a Jeep Cherokee from this company and is now out $8000! Sales Rep RICHARD REID STOLE $6000 after listing that my uncle had only made a $2000 deposit on the invoice as opposed to the actual $8000 he deposited! After perusing through the lot my uncle settled on a Jeep he liked and made a payment of $8000. RICHARD REID prolonged the sale of the Jeep til closing we feel to cause my uncle to forget to get a copy of the invoice. My uncle even TIPPED RICHARD REID $100 after the transaction!! A day or so later RICHARD REID brought the invoice to my uncle's to have him sign it. In his haste my uncle didn't look over the invoice until after RICHARD REID left. It stated that only $2000 was deposited as opposed to the $8000 that my uncle actually deposited!! Upon realizing the error my uncle IMMEDIATELY called RICHARD REID to make him aware of the error. His calls went unanswered and we haven't SEEN OR HEARD from RICHARD REID since the incident! My uncle then went back to the dealership in search of RICHARD REID and was told by managers there that he was out because of his mother being ill. My uncle then explained to the managers his dilemma and they stated that there wasn't anything they could do to help him. They did suggest my uncle file a police report. About a week later my uncle contacted the dealership to inquire about RICHARD REID and they stated he had been fired. They didn't specify a reason why. My uncle then contacted the police and they suggested he file a civil suit. Feeling discouraged about the whole ordeal my uncle no longer wanted the jeep or anymore dealings with the dealership so he returned the jeep. After he returned the jeep the dealership owed him $2000 that they had proof he had deposited. Weeks later they STILL have not refunded him the $2000!! My uncle is now in the process of filing a civil suit in hopes of recouping the $8000 he's out. Another uncle was there during the transaction and will be a witness in court. In the unfortunate event that the money isn't recouped my family still wanted the general public to hear our story and to be AWARE of the seedy and under-handed practices of this company! My uncle came from very humble beginnings and to be taken advantage of in such a way has caused him to lose faith in humanity. This ordeal has not only taken a SEVERE financial toll on my family, but it has also caused us EXTREME emotional distress. It is truly disheartening. While my uncle takes responsibility for his part in not getting a copy of the invoice while at the dealership it doesn't absolve the sales rep RICHARD REID of his wrong-doing and THEFT OF $6000!!!


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