Marcelo Teson

3 years ago

What else can be said about Spago? It's a legend, ...

What else can be said about Spago? It's a legend, it's a dinosaur, it's a vanguard, it's a time machine to the 90's, it's everything that is wonderful and terrible about LA at the same time. It's weird to go there and think about how so many of the "fancy LA restaurant" cliches began here. The food is still fantastic, and it's a remarkable place especially at lunchtime, where power producers, Beverly Hills socialites, and real estate agents eating alone while looking at listings all congregate. My dad and I were nobodies but we were seated in a fantastic section, treated like kings, and had great food. Big plus for them for not being snooty at all. And on the way out we saw Sidney Poitier walking in. Bonus!


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