Sarah Jensen

3 years ago

A little over a year ago, I sat outside my house i...

A little over a year ago, I sat outside my house in Seattle in the dark and alone. I was high, for what I prayed would be my last time. I was lost, broken, and desperate. I sat on the side of my yard, against my house where no one could see me and just cried. I begged someone to help me. Anyone. I couldn't live that life anymore. My sister was in the house with my children. I knew they were safe but I also knew I wasn't. I sat there until my ride came. I kissed my precious babies goodbye and I left. I don't remember anything after that point. It would be 3 days before I have my first memory of California. By the grace of God I somehow navigated getting on the right plane, to the right person at the Orange County airport, and into the doors of New Method Wellness. It would be the beginning of my new life. In that moment, everything I had known had changed. New Method Wellness saved my life. The staff, the groups, the counseling, and other clients, all made for such a healing experience. I learned who I really was, obtained the tools on how to live a sober life, and made lifelong friends along the way. Today, a year later, I have my own apartment, a supportive family, my children, and a support network in sobriety that is solid. Thank you so much New Method Wellness for helping me get a new life and for teaching me a new and better way to live.


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