Jessica Roberts

3 years ago

lazy, careless and unprofessional. took them over ...

lazy, careless and unprofessional. took them over a month to get my insurance in order when they state "only two weeks" I have to call them address it, repeating information they already had on record.
when you go in for your appointment you check your own ph result and weight then tell Lori Lee at the front desk, when I ask her why she doesn't check the ph and weight to confirm she said, it's to make me educated but my own health. So when i ask her to educate me on the ph strip for what each color meant, she told me not to worry and my result were normal. Doesn't really answer my question but whatever I think the truth is she doesn't want to get up from the desk.

I can deal with those things they're minor, sadly it got worst.

at my 28 week appointment when I was told I would get my glucose test and the appointment should take around an hour. I got a call an hour before my appointment asking to come in early since a mother was in labor. I arrived at 9:30 ( appointment was at 10) the midwife was completely oblivious to my glucose test needed to be done, but was able to set things up and make it happened drank my grape juice and was told to be back but 10:55am to have my blood drawn. I came back at 10:50 and told the Lori Lee and anther women at the front desk I was back and needed my blood drawn in 5 mins. I was informed they'd tell the midwife i was back and to wait in the lobby area. apparently the two never got up from the chairs and just kept chatting (lazy) to where the midwife comes out looking for me thinking i'm late! Doesn't draw my blood till 11:25 which was a complete waste on my time because now the result aren't even accurate.

now the icing on the cake for those mothers that are Rh- listen up!

again i'm 28wks and also Rh- my husband and my 17mo old twins are Rh+ meaning i'll need the RhoGAM shot to protect the baby I am carry. They DID NOT have the shot there and ready for me, in fact they only call in the script and YOU drive and go pick it up to only have to schedule another appointment with them just to they can stick you. Yet the NEVER called in! ( again lazy and i was also informed that other birthing center will have the rhoGAM shot ready for you by 28wks, smart.) Since I was upset the midwife told me i could chose the pharmacy I will like to pick it up at, so i wouldn't be wasted my time and gas driving downtown to memorial where it's normal filled. After being told it was called into a Walgreens and would be ready for pick the next day ( a Friday) , I call the walgreens to confirm yet only to hear they have no record of it! So they called it in again on Friday. I called the walgreens to confirmed it was done correctly this time and what went wrong. they said Lori Lee spelled the name out "Jessica Robinson" which is NOT my last name! and the script will not be ready for pick up until Monday now. So now i'm having to pick up the script today at memorial and giving myself the shot since the office and closed and I don't trust these careless women.

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