3 years ago

Went on the beaches of Normandy tour. Very informa...

Went on the beaches of Normandy tour. Very informative tour and the stops are great. It is hard to see everything because all the sites are spaced out but we went to 3 beaches and the museum in Caen. Loved the lunch at the Caen museum. Only had three dislikes for this tour. First was the timing at Caen museum wasn't enough to see everything and we only had 30 minutes at Juno beach, so we couldn't visit the Juno museum and being Canadian that was important for me. Second was the tour guide would fill you with lots on info on the way to each site but when you arrive he stays at the bus, I figured he would come down and explain things on site with a kind of guided tour. Third was on the site when we booked it said specifically you go to gold and juno beach but on the bus ride there our guide said one of the two will be visited. Luckily we had a few other Canadians on the bus so we all yelled JUNO!! and in the end we got to stop at Juno. Overall the tour was an amazing life changing experience and if you are into ww2 then this is right up your alley. Like I said before because everything is spaced out far you only get roughly 30 minutes to see each stop but I do understand why since its 3hrs there 3hrs back. The tour guide we had spoke English very well se we had no problems. Guess it's hit or miss for the guides.


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