Richard Shultz

4 years ago

Yesterday 12/1/16 I was on my way to an important ...

Yesterday 12/1/16 I was on my way to an important Dr. appointment when I ran into a funeral procession coming out of a church on Brainerd Rd. between Moore Rd and the tunnels. I got as close to the end of the funeral line coming out onto Brainerd Rd. as I could as I was late for the appointment. As the last of the procession turned out onto Brainerd Rd. and started off toward town the cop sitting in his spiffy new SUV at the end of it started to move. I let my vehicle come forward about 2 feet or so in anticipation of falling in behind the procession and simply making the best time I could and hoping to make my appointment on time in spite of the delay. The cop in the SUV turned suddenly toward me and with a totally ugly expression on his face literally SCREAMED into my face "Where the &^%$ do you think YOU are going?!!" This was not only totally uncalled for, it was disrespectful and authoritarian in the extreme and completely unbecoming of a public servant whose salary I pay with the taxes STOLEN by this government from my hard earned money! I wish it known that I will not tolerate this again. The next time I will scream right back in HIS face and if the result is a physical altercation then so be it. I may end up in jail but he will end up with bruises at the least and he WILL know that he has been in a fight. I will no longer simply accept the presence of authoritarian, arrogant, paranoid, trigger-happy NEANDERTHALS ordering me around as though I were some anti-bellum slave and treating me with total disrespect. That stops as of yesterday no matter what the result is.


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